Curriculum Vitae
Computer Scientist
- M. S. Computer Science, Naval Postgraduate
School, September 1995
- B. S. Computer Science, University of
Utah, June 1988
- A. S. Electronic Technology, Florida Keys Community College, April
- Data Systems Technician, United States Navy, July 1977 - June 1988
- S. R. Bible, "A Short History of Spread Spectrum,"
Packet Status Register, Issue #62, Spring 1996.
- S. R. Bible, "The Changing Face of Amateur Radio,"
QST, p. 68, November 1995.
- S. R. Bible, "The World Wide Web Amateur Satellite Ground Station,"
The AMSAT Journal, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp 9-11, May/Jun 1995.
- S. R. Bible and G. B. Pool, "Amateur Radio and the World Wide
Web: Part 2 -- The Building Blocks of a Packet Radio Web!," QST
pp. 37 - 40, July 1995.
- "In Part II we want to show you how to create a radio analogy
to the World Wide Web for amateur packet radio. These techniques are fundamentally
simple and lend themselves well to our pioneering nature. They also make
for an interesting paradigm shift as we consider the packet radio network
of the future."
- S. R. Bible and G. B. Pool, "Amateur Radio on the World Wide
Web, Part 1 -- Welcome to the Web!," QST pp. 24 - 26, June
- "In Part I of this article, we want to introduce the Web, what
it is, and how to use it. Through the Web you can access information with
a simple point-and-click interface. It is this easy access of various media
that makes the Web the fastest growing and most popular aspect of the Internet.
Even the major on-line networks are scrambling to provide access to the
Web, while universities and many smaller, more agile companies have already
been providing it for a couple of years."
Web Activities
The Tucson Amateur Packet
Radio - TAPR Web Pages
The Amateur Radio Satellite
Corporation - AMSAT Web pages
Monterey Academy
of Oceanographic Science - MAOS
- In the Spring of 1995, I assisted Greg Pool in his student teaching
assignment to help start a home page for the 108 students of MAOS. The
result is a student-driven showcase of their academy.
Monterey High School,
Monterey, California
- On May 6, 1995, Monterey High School became online with a little help
of myself and a whole bunch of other people. As of the Fall of 1995, the
MHS Web Page Project team presented a home page to begin showcasing the
entire school.
- Naval Postgraduate School Amateur Radio Club
- In the Summer of 1994, Greg Pool, WH6DT, and I cut our teeth on the
Web by constructing these pages. We've since gained international recognition
for our work in a two-part article published in QST, the
journal of the American Radio Relay League.