September 17-19, 2021, Virtual On-Line
Experimental and Computational Methods to Analyze Complete Doppler Behavior of Ionospherically Induced Doppler Shifts on HF Signals
Steve Cerwin WA5FRF, Nathaniel Frissel W2NAF, Kristina Collins KD8OXT, Dev Joshi KC3PVE
Proceeding Paper
TAPR Magnetometer RF Exposure Testing
William D. “Bill” Engelke, AB4EJ
Proceeding Paper
Observations of Mid-Latitude Irregularities Using the Oblique Ionosonde Sounding Mode for the HamSCI Personal Space Weather Station
Dev Joshi KC3PVE, Nathaniel Frissel W2NAF, Muhammad Shaaf Sarwar, Simal Sami, J. Michael Ruohoniemi, Joseph B. H. Baker, Anthea Coster, Philip J. Erickson, William Liles, Juha Vierinen, Keith Groves
Proceeding Paper
The KA9Q-Radio Package
Phil Karn KA9Q,
Proceeding Paper
DIY Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) with TTL ICs
Mike McCann KB2GHZ,
Proceeding Paper
Propagation by Plate Tectonics and the Moon
Alex Schwarz VE7DXW,
Proceeding Paper
How to Kill Packet-Radio & APRS? Come to Serbia! (Part 4)
Miroslav “Misko” Skoric YT7MPB,
Proceeding Paper
Multipurpose Remote Nodes
Steve Stroh N8GNJ, Andy Sayler KF7VOL
Proceeding Paper
A Tale of Two Meshes
Erik Wetgard NY9D,
Proceeding Paper
Meteorological telemetry based on FX.25
Masaaki Yonezawa
Proceeding Paper
Detecting Putative Sporadic E Propagation in WSPRNet Spot Records
Jeanette Zhou KN6DAD
Proceeding Paper
Final DCC Schedule
To view the final DCC schedule, click here.
DCC on YouTube
The “live” DCC presentations are viewable on YouTube.
For the Friday presentations, click here.
For the Saturday presentations, click here.