In support of HamSCI’s “Big Year”, TAPR is lowering the price on the MagPi magnetometer.
The full kit (with RM3100 sensor) is now $80, down from $120 ($10 TAPR member discount available)
The MagPi boardset (you supply your own PNICorp RM3100 sensor board) is now $30, down from $60 (TAPR member discount available)
We have too many in inventory, and too few deployed in the field. Along with HamSCI looking to place 25 units in the field, TAPR is looking to encourage others to deploy one, and report PSWS magnetometer data. The boardset may be a good choice for people with a Grape2, which can use the remote board directly, with an RM3100 (no RPi nor local board needed.) With this halving of the boardset-only price, it becomes more financially practical to use.