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Annual Membership Meeting; Nomination/Election Date Changes

The annual TAPR Membership Meeting will be held on October 26, 2024, 4 PM EDT via Zoom. (Zoom log-in information will be announced later.)

The date of the membership meeting affects the dates for nominations and election of the TAPR Board of Directors. So note the new dates in the following announcement.

Three Director positions on the TAPR Board of Directors are now open for nomination and nominations may be submitted now.

TAPR Board members serve three-year terms and their responsibilities include:

1) Attendance at both in-person board meetings each year. [One is held at the Hamvention in May, the other online in September.]

2) Regular participation in the continuous board session, which is conducted over the Internet.

3) Active engagement in TAPR’s management.

To place a person in nomination, please remember that he or she must be a member of TAPR. Also, confirm that the individual is willing to have his or her name placed in nomination. By the annual membership meeting on October 26, 2024, send that person’s name (or your own if you wish to nominate yourself ), call sign, mailing address, e-mail address, phone number(s), and a biographical sketch (250 words maximum) via or via snail mail to TAPR, 1 Glen Ave., Wolcott, CT 06716-1442. Nominations can also be made online during the annual membership meeting.

An online election will be held from November 2, 2024 to November 17, 2024.

And on November 23rd at 4PM EST via Zoom, the TAPR board will hold its annual meeting, with those (newly) elected taking seats as directors, and choose the officers for the next year. A link will also be available for those wishing to attend the annual board meeting.

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