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ezDV back in stock!

Santa sent an emergency sleigh, via Anchorage AK, handled by UPS, that had 45 ezDV boards. The good news is that they all were detected as functional devices by the Espressif firmware programmer, all erased, and programmed successfully.

I did a quick build up of 10, and gave them full functional test, and they all passed. So I released 10 to inventory 12/27 late in the afternoon. I will kit up the rest of them over the weekend. This is enough to more than fill the wait list.

They are all loaded with firmware 1.1.0, which supports the spi-to-ethernet board, type W5500. You can get a 3-pack on Amazon for $18, at, or get individual units for $10.

George, TAPR Store Manager, K9TRV

2 thoughts on “ezDV back in stock!

  1. do you make any for the 630 meter band ( 472-479) dennis

  2. Dennis, the ezDV is NOT an RF unit. It is not tied to any ham band. It either goes in the audio chain, or does the same via WiFi such as with an Icom 705 or many Flex radios. You can read about this by visiting the product page and downloading the manual.

    If it were a WSPR board, no, not directly. but you could order any band and replace the L and C components by those appropriate for 630m. You may have to edit the band tables in the code to get support, but it should be possible. Note that I use an RX888 here, and do log 630m.

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