The 40th annual ARRL and TAPR Digital Communications Conference (DCC) will take place virtually online September 17-18, 2021.
The details for the online DCC are being finalized and will be announced here shortly. In the meantime, it is not too early to plan technical papers and presentations for the event.
Technical papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Authors do not need to present at the conference to have their papers included in the Proceedings.
Paper and presentation topic areas include, but are not limited to software defined radio (SDR), digital voice, digital satellite communication, digital signal processing (DSP), HF digital modes, adapting IEEE 802.11 systems for Amateur Radio, Global Positioning System (GPS), Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS), Linux in Amateur Radio, AX.25 updates, Internet operability with Amateur Radio networks, TCP/IP networking over Amateur Radio, mesh and peer-to-peer wireless networking, emergency and homeland defense backup digital communications in Amateur Radio.
Purchase DCC Ticket
2021 ARRL & TAPR Digital Communications
IK2LWY 73!
Hi Mirko,
My apologies to taking so long to reply. I’m in the process of getting the DCC registration up and running. You can click on the DCC Registration link in the menu and I think/hope it works 🙂 If it doesn’t work please let me know what you encounter and I’ll try to get it up and running. Thanks for your interest in the DCC.
73 Bruce
Thanks for the info
Is TAPR creating Zoom accounts for all attendees? I’ve never encountered that scenario since I began using Zoom in early 2020. Here’s why I ask:
I received an e-mail from no-reply@zoom.us with the following message:
Bruce Raymond (dcc@tapr.org) has created a Zoom account for you. Please click the button below to activate your account within 30 days.
Hi Gary,
My apologies to you and everyone else associated with the DCC. For better or worse (mostly worse) I’ve been “volunteered” to coordinate and process the Zoom reservations for the DCC, both on the TAPR website and the Zoom website. This is new territory for me and I’m blundering my way through. Please ignore all of the activation nonsense. I’m working my way through getting Zoom setup, which has been exceptionally painful compared to what it should be.
Again, just ignore all of the activation stuff. Everyone will be registered regardless of any activation activities. Sorry again for the confusion.
73 Bruce
Hi Bruce,
I did hit the activate which updates my account to TAPR. Not sure if that will affect my personal account or not. /Roy
I have registered for the conference, and received confirmation. However, I have not received an email on how to watch the conference on Zoom or YouTube. Any thing yet?
73, Paul KA5FPT
Still no way for me (a member) to attend DCC on Zoom. It is now 9:00 am cst. Jerry Peterson, K9BWE
Jerry, in a few minutes we will send an invitation to your aol.com address. Make sure it doesn’t get caught in your spam folder
It may take a few minutes as the show is just getting started and the person who can send the invite is juggling a few things at the moment.
I am also looking for the conference link.
I am also looking for the conference link.
Hi Bob — We’ll get an invite out to you shortly.
Is it possible to purchase the conference proceedings (PDF preferably, though I went with the paper copy last year)?
is anyone using blockchain technology with amateur radio packet networks?