Steven Bible, N7HPR, Stana Horzepa, WA1LOU, and Darryl Smith, VK2TDS win with 30.7% and 25.1% of the vote each, as follows:
2020 TAPR Board of Directors Election Results
- Steven Bible, N7HPR 183 votes (30.7%)
- Stana Horzepa, WA1LOU 183 votes (30.7%)
- Darryl Smith, VK2TDS 150 votes (25.1%)
- Brian Rogers, N1URO 81 votes (13.6%)
209 ballots submitted of 493 eligible voters — 42%
Votes tallied: 597
Abstentions: 10
I would publically like to thank those who did cast votes for me in a failed effort. It’s quite flattering to know so many did vote in my favor. There’s still issues this BoD needs to resolve and I hope ego doesn’t continue to get in the way of resolutions that need to be addressed. May they service your needs going forward.