The Winter 2021 issue (#148) of TAPR’s quarterly newsletter, PSR, is now available here and from the TAPR website Library.
The Contents of PSR #148 is as follows:
- 2021 ARRL & TAPR DCC
- TAPR at Hamcation
- TAPR Wear Available
- Processing I/Q Data from a FlexRadio into Gnuradio
- Donate to TAPR
- What’s in Store for You at TAPR
- More Interested in Building Sailboats Lately…
- Serbian Signals
- Being a BBS/NODE SysOp is More than Writing Bulletins
- Write Here!
- On the Net
- The Fine Print
- Our Membership App
By the way, your PSR editor is now accepting contributions for the next issue of PSR. May 1, 2021, is the deadline for submissions; send what you have to