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80m and 160m WSPR Transmitters are now available

TAPR has 80m and 160m WSPR transmitter kits available. These are similar to the 10m/12m and 15m/17m WSPR transmitter kits in that the user solders the low pass filter components to the pcb. In addition, the user also solders the drain inductor for 80m and 160m transmitters.

80m and 160m WSPR Transmitter Kits.

3 thoughts on “80m and 160m WSPR Transmitters are now available

  1. When I loaded the software and installed the 80M filter kit, I noticed the transmit frequency was around 3594Khz. Looking on the WSPR websites the current frequency appears to be 3570 khz. Looking on WSPRNet and in the WSJT-X program they all appear to be using the lower frequency. I changed the frequency in the .cpp file and recompiled it and then I could hear the transmissions within the bandpass of the current programs. Am I correct in this assumption or am I missing something?

    Ron W5QLD

  2. Hi Ron,

    Great catch! The software has 3.5941 MHz as the 80m frequency. It should be 3.5701 MHz. I need to update the software.

    73 Bruce

  3. Just in case you missed my post on “WSPR on 20, 30, and 40 Meters”, I copied here:

    Here’s a procedure to update the software. I have to warn you that I haven’t actually tried it on actual hardware, so there’s a possibility that it might be wrong.

    Assuming that you can log into your Pi (un: pi, pw: wspr), here’s the procedure:

    1. cd ~/WsprryPi
    2. sudo nano wpsr.cpp
    3. < ctrl > w
    4. 35941
    5. change 3594100.0 to 3570100.0
    6. < ctrl > x
    7. y
    8. < enter >
    9. make
    10. sudo reboot

    Hopefully, this fixes the problem. If not, let me know and we’ll correct the errors.

    73 Bruce Raymond

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